I've had a few more Between the Binary columns publish over at them. the last few months... It's taken me a moment to post them here because, well, I've been a little busy!
First, I spoke about the fear and uncertainty I had about getting top surgery in this column that ran before I got surgery in late November. I called it: "A Farewell to Boobs." (I am very proud of this punny title, not sorry.)
(Illo by Lucy Sherston)
In December, I wrote about the annoying fact that many brands still don't bother marketing products to anybody but "men" or "women." I asked: Where are nonbinary people supposed to buy socks, razors or hiking boots? Dear Brands: Consider Selling Me Stuff
Cheryl Strayed (known friend of Oprah) said this about the column:
(I died.)
And finally, this week I published my latest column, about how doing yoga has helped me transform my relationship with myself. It talks about recovering from top surgery. Which has been intense! How Yoga Changed My Relationship with My Body — And Myself. This one once again featured an illo by Ohni Lisle:
Thanks for reading.